Thursday, October 23, 2014

Wanna see my brain?

Brains are interesting organs.  I'm guessing that white spot is the size of a dime.  I'm also guessing it's probably nothing.  I am certain it's a good reminder that we aren't guaranteed our next breath and I can always use a reminder to keep my house a little cleaner, my life a little simpler and my message a little bolder.  I have decided to call it my worry wart.

It’s a song I think of as an anthem to my weakness.  I'd like to say it's not my anthem anymore but I still find myself worrying.  As I re-listened to it tonight I found myself remembering how true those things used to be, the things I was worried about.  I hope it's not as true today as it was in my youth but as you grow up you find new things to worry about.  It's such a small thing.  So instead I will thank God for the reminder to live.  Today, right now.  No more worry warts for me!
You can hear it here -

It's a Patch the Pirate song and the lyrics go like this:
My name is worry warthog
I live in misery.
Instead of trusting in the LORD I worry constantly.
Although I know it’s silly,
Although I know it’s bad
I guess I find a certain joy in always looking sad.
Yes, I’m a worry warthog *SNORT*
I worry every day
I worry (*SNORT* *SNORT*), worry (*SNORT* *SNORT*) all my time away
and if you want to look like me just fear and fret and snort (*SNORT*)
And very soon you’ll break out with a great big worry wart.
Sometimes my mother asks me
“Why must you worry so?
Our gracious heavenly Father loves all creatures here below.
You worry in the nighttime,
You cry when you’re alone.
I fear you’ll be one great big wart before you’re even grown.”
- Oh, worry! I’ll probably forget the words to this next verse! -
I worry that my pigmates
will treat me mean and cruel
And I might even fail a test and flunk right out of school
I fear my friends won’t like me as well as other swine
and maybe I won’t even get a piggy Valentine.

1 comment:

  1. I had a really good comment here and Google just ate it. Grr.
    Anyway you know I worry too. That's why my life verse is Luke 18:1 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;
    I will have to call you sometime soon, if I can find a time you are available!
