I don't know about you but there are so many thing going on in my head right now. The uproar on the internet has made me ponder some serious questions. Is this the start of the persecution of the American Church? Is it vital to make a stand publicly? Have we lost the battle and need to move to a new front? Are we battling the right things?
I have friends that fall in a great spectrum on the LGBT issue. The current victory dance that is happening has brought serious division and persecution to Christians who felt the need to comment publicly on this issue. I've watch friendships implode. I'm struggling with the questions this raises more than I can express on paper. I know that homosexuality is a sin. I can say that my close friends who are gay know this is what I believe and we have had a respectful conversation about it. My acquaintances who are gay may or may not know what I believe. Do I need to shout from a street corner or make a pubic stand online....I don't think so. How do you express love and not hate with emotionless (due to the nature of print/text verses face to face conversation with all the nonverbal clues) blanket statements? The truth is not everyone considers what they are saying, they are just expressing themselves. They don't think of how it will read. Plus, everyone says stupid things sometimes. It happens. You don't know what to say so you say what you've heard. Is that taking a righteous stand or just hurting your own cause? For me, I'm going to keep these discussions personal and face to face.
Now for the stuff that is going to sound even more religious, sorry guys. This country and this world are ending. Every day convinces me that these are the birth-pangs the Bible speaks of. This year a jubilee of Jubilees is happening, right after the third blood moon of the year. The very conjunction of planets that may have shown and foretold the birth of Jesus Christ is in the sky right now. Society is rejecting what is good and right as backward and wrong. Terrorists are killing people all over the world and we're arguing about homosexuality. I've heard my whole life that I should live as if today was my last. Couple that with living like a workman approved. Am I honoring God with what my day fills with? How much time am I wasting ...
That's the question. I know end of the world stuff can sound kind of kooky. I wasn't even invested when I was younger....yeah sure, it'll happen someday. I thought of it as good motivation to live like today is your last but because it wasn't real to me it wasn't really motivation.
So enough of the serious stuff.
ComicCon is approaching so fast and I'm left again wishing I had worked on costumes sooner but the truth is we just finalized the style with my brother a few weeks ago and I was doing stuff all this time. I haven't been sitting around fiddling my thumbs.
Anyway, we're doing Lopan and Gracie from the wedding in Big Trouble little China. Agatha and Gil from Girl Genius
Plus Marvel Noir
I'm deciding styles for Silver Sable
Femme Fatal Silver Sable or Gangster Silver Sable
The real trouble as always is finding pieces. I'm not a fabulous seamstress but I can do it if I have too. But fabric is expensive. I'd rather find pieces that would work but I'm not finding them. A couple of the things we are definitely going to have to make and that's going to take time. We really need to get moving on these things. I wasn't going to do Silver Sable but my brother said he was really looking forward to it. I had written it off as a possibility because I was unable to lose weight and I didn't think I could pull it off but going Noir with it makes me more comfortable because women were a little more curvy back then and going gangster will also be more slimming. It will be harder to tell who I'm going as though. Maybe I should print business cards? Hmmmm