I was watching a Korean escape room live action show this week. That sounds weird doesn't it. I do believe I warned you that I was an Odd Duck. One of the challenges had the teams trying to solve a puzzle that involved weights that they had to pass from one side of a platform to the other while the whole team stood on it and had to keep the platform balanced. Each over correction or miscommunication in the team sent the platform tilting into the penalty zone. It got me thinking about balance. In this season of rest that God asked me to enter into, I have been struggling. One of the reasons I don't like resting is that I feel predisposed to laziness. In my youth I poured out prayers to God asking Him to give me discipline. I've always known that I had a problem. It's one of the things I liked least about myself growing up. Those people that know me now laugh at this idea. I'm always busy. I've got a schedule that has to be carefully maintained. But that's the thing, I schedule. I to do list. I took my desire for discipline and I built a framework that would allow me to maintain it. This season of rest has shone a spot light on the fact that without my careful constructs, I still don't have any discipline.

There is definitely a lesson in reminding yourself that obeying all of what God has asked of you is important. Lifting one finger on the clenched fist you have around the thing He's asked you to let go of is not obedience. It's a step in the right direction but it is not the end of the journey.

Most people would tell you that the secret to physical balance is all about staying centered and micro corrections. But stress responses usually throw that knowledge right out the window. Just like physical challenges that affect balance, we have mental traumas that can have the same effect. It can start to feel like the deck is stacked against us when it comes to balance. It's easy to forget the easiest trick to maintaining proper balance...
a point of focus.
You see, over correcting my flaws is what happens when I take control of trying to fix them.
So, I'm learning in the quiet to do one thing. Focus on my Savior.
How about you? Have you over over corrected your balance? Do you need to take some time to refocus and regain your balance? You're not alone.
"So, I'm learning in the quiet to do one thing. Focus on my Savior." I'm learning to do this more and more. I can never fix things in my own strength. And maybe I'm not always meant to fix them in the first place. How much better to focus on being obedient to God and follow His leading. Blessings to you! Thanks for linking up at the #LMMLinkup!
ReplyDeleteThanks Gayl. There is a whole lot of me too in what you said.
DeleteI hear you! I've been praying more than usual about self-discipline! Not sure things have changed, yet, but I'll ask to see if I've obeyed all He's said to me so far! Blessings on your rest - a lifeftime of soul rest - if you haven't already, read Soul Keeping - so good - makes Dallas Willard easier to understand.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds awesome. You always have such great suggestions Sue!
DeleteOh, yes. I'm right with you. Finding balance is hard and I often overcorrect in my own attempts. I love what you wrote about rest and focusing on the Savior. Thank you for sharing at Grace and Truth last week. I would love to feature this post tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteWhat an honor! Thanks Dawn!
DeleteOh, yes, indeed. In fact, my husband and I about a year ago started "keeping the Sabbath holy." One of the ten commandments most people DON'T follow. But we've set aside Saturday for Him. We don't work, but we simply rest. We welcome the Sabbath with a liturgy that includes four prayers, and then we simply rest until Saturday evening, when we go to church and then to Havdalah (the separation), where a simple liturgy ends the Sabbath and welcomes the new week to accomplish only those things He sets before us to do. Asking Him each day, "What do YOU want me to do? What do YOU want me to pray about?" keeps that single focus you talked about. Thank you for your post. It was most welcome!
ReplyDeleteThat is a beautiful practice Suzi!