Clearly, there were people who felt the warnings signs were alarmist or who didn't value the potential pain worth the sacrifice of time in the water. In fact, I saw a great dane in a life vest out with his/her master. She kept trying to get the dog further in the water but the dog was having none of it. I can't help but feel the dog had the greater wisdom.

It did get me thinking about warning signs though. Why they are put up? What imminent danger do they really signify?

I think God does this for us. There are definitely things in our life that are "permissible" but not always recommended. You may be able to do them without getting yourself into trouble but you are definitely skirting the edge of something you don't really need to be doing. Other things are closed doors with big warning signs. Sure, you could climb over the fences, past the locks and signs, and feel the thrill of defying the warnings because you'll probably be fine.
There is beauty in knowing where to stop. In seeing the warning for what it is. A blessing given to us by a gracious God. There's a difference between stepping out of your comfort zone and giving up your need for control in favor of a God who is actually in control and defying warning signs. It can feel oddly similar. That thrill of fear when letting go and the thrill of fear when defying authority. So how do you tell the difference?
The warning signs
Just like in life, our spiritual warning signs are designed to give us pause. To slow our progress forward and make us take stock of the situation. For me it feels like a gentle push. I'm a rule follower, so seeing that danger in red lettering feels like a magnetic repulsion. Giving up control feels like an infinitely patient God gently pulling my hands to remind me to let go. What does it feel like to you? Have you ever thought about the difference? The difference in how it feels in your spirit? Let's learn to recognize the subtle push of a warning sign verses the subtle pull of being asked to give up control.