Friday, September 27, 2019

New Beginnings, a little bit late

I have been remiss in updating things and there is a lot to update because there have been some big changes. The flurry of activity, decisions and work that come with change tend to shove lesser priorities to the back burner.
If you are unaware, the "word" for the year that God gave me was 'Grace through Failure'. I knew that meant God was going to give me a lot of practice in failure so I have nicknamed this year my year of fail. What it really means is that I have a lot to learn this year. No one knows all things right off the bat, understands everything once presented with an outline of information or perfectly recalls everything, every time. Or, at least I don't. I hate failing though. I hate not knowing how to do things perfectly. I love knowing things because it makes me feel smart and therefore valuable. I hate learning. Or more accurately, I hate feeling dumb. That's why God asked me to work on viewing the learning process differently this year. To work on being gracious with myself and others when they are learning. To view my lack of knowledge with humility and endurance.
Why is all that important. Because I was wrong about something. I thought God was poising me to start a YouTube channel to go with my blog, Dotted Lines: The Treasure Hunt to Find God in my Every Day. I was learning to be more effective on social media, how to build a brand, how to edit more efficiently, how to create content and how to build a support network. Everything I didn't understand right away was viewed in light of the learning process and I gave myself the permission to take my time to learn. My goal wasn't to be successful right away but to build.
What God was building used the same path but had a completely different destination. I look back now on my year and see the path. It's stretches beyond this year. Sign posts reach back decades, showing me where God has laid the way for me. I don't think I have ever before in my life been able to look back and see God's preparation so clearly. It's breathtaking and awe inspiring.
What am I talking about? I have become the COO, Producer and Social Media Marketing Manager for Iconic Production. It's new and I am growing in it, with it and through it. We are building it from the ground up and there are a great many things to learn. Iconic Production makes videos and podcasts for the role-playing and gaming community. It's a huge step for me and I am so please and excited to be a part of helping the company grow.
In the next few months I will be sharing my progress as we create and build Iconic Production. In the mean time, feel free to ask me questions.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Shameless Self Promotion

If you couldn't tell by my long silence...I've stopped trying to promote myself, my blog or my website.  Life is only full of so many moments and in an effort to:

  1. Do what the Lord is calling me to
  2. Maintain balance between real people/relationships and tasks
I have been busy.  The Lord opened up opportunities I did not expect.  I am currently the COO and Social Media Marketing Manager and Producer for Iconic Production.  Don't worry, you'll hear about them later.

That means that the time and effort I put into planning, researching, editing, content creation and writing this blog for myself is over.  I'm proud of what I accomplished and I certainly learned a lot which I'm going to use for my new job.  

I'm still going to write but I'm going to commit the unforgivable faux pa of treating this more like a journal than a planned and cultivated blog.  This is going to be the raw me, not looking for followers or influence.  I'm just going to talk.  

As promised...Iconic Production is a TTRPG (Table Top Role Playing Game) video and content creation company.  We play games and produce podcasts, livestreams and videos.  We currently stream live on  We also have presence on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook. Mostly, my channels and socials are silent because I'm talking for the company instead.  

That's all I have time for today.  I'll be back.