Friday, December 29, 2023

Endings and New Years

The end of year is fast approaching.  Only a few more days before resolutions should start and steps forward should begin.  I hadn't realized it had been so long since my last update, but I had been thinking about writing again lately, so here I am. While this blog has felt more like an empty endevor to an audience of one, it is where I can practice the craft of writing and work out my thoughts.  

So lets begin with the update.  I left Iconic Production a year ago.  The isolation and high workload drove me to a dark place and it's taken me a while to begin recovering.  It has been an unpleasant but neccesary journey and it's going to be a while before I can figure out what God taught me during that time and what he has for me next.  For once I'm not pushing him to give me purpose and direction.  I've learned my lesson about rest and recovery (at least this time).  My body hasn't really given me much of a choice there and part of the dark places I've been are very morbid because my body felt like I was dying.  At this point I'm just happy when I have enough energy to clean even a part of my house.  

I have no idea what the new year is going to hold but I do know I'm starting to dream again.  They are simple dreams of keeping my house in order and organizing my life and finishing craft projects and restoring my relationships.  They are intentions to ask myself hard questions about how I spend my time and where I place value with my thoughts.  

I don't want a perfect life, or to even try to attain one.  Our world is filled with exobitionist levels of unatainable seeming perfection.  I just want a life well lived, honoring the God who deserves all glory. So thats the plan in the coming year.  Less TV and social media.  More intentional, rich uses of my time.  More walking and working on honoring the body God has given me.  Sounds easy, right?  I think we all know it won't be.  

So here's to anticipating what God will do.  Here's to celebrating in gratitude whatever God brings.  Here's to finding the adventure again in every day life.

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