We're going to keep things short this week because I am coming back from another grand adventure. Today, however, I'm going to share something I discovered on a mini adventure near to home. It's just worked out this year that new adventure has accompanied my spiritual adventure. I don't usually have this much excitement in my year but I am not going to complain. As you may have guessed, I love adventure.
I went on a hike up Mt. Cutler with my Holy Yoga group, Beautiful & Beloved. I knew I wasn't supposed to be working my knees so soon but I was called to this group and this adventure.
It was indeed a beautiful hike. And I found myself reflecting on my time in the Sneffels Traverse. I knew I wanted to take it easy on this hike and thankfully I was with a group of women who enjoy checking in on each others hearts and loved stopping to view the scenery.
I found myself praising God for my health, for the ability to move and be in God's creation. It always lifts my heart to remember to thank God for where I'm at physically, even when I'm suffering health issues. This side of heaven I am in an imperfect vessel. I will likely always suffer health issues until the Lord calls me home but I can sure be grateful for the health I do have.
I noticed something as I walked. All along the trail and ground were broken and fallen pieces of the scenery. Bits of pine and bush were littered on the ground.

We've been having some very large hail storms. Within site of this trail were some of the hardest hit. Our zoo lost animals, had all the cars in their lot damaged and had 5 people brought to the hospital because of injuries from the hail. The Broadmoor's golf course was pretty much destroyed by the divots from the hail. There was property damage galore on the south side of town. Flooding was a problem for many.
As I noticed the pieces of pine on the ground I noticed some were new, bright green and fragrant. Some were old, brown and drying.
It reminded me of a verse.
2 Corinthians 4:8-10 English Standard Version (ESV)
8 We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; 10 always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.
Perhaps times of spiritual attack are part of the pruning process. To knock off parts of us that are getting in the way of our growth.
John 15:2 English Standard Version (ESV)
2 Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.

That's where I'm going to leave you today. I want to encourage you all to remember to look at the whole picture. There was plenty of evidence of the storms that had passed through this region and if I had kept my head down and focused on the damage I would have missed the utter beauty I was walking through. The same is true for my life. If I focus on what I've lost in the midst of spiritual attack or discipline, I would miss the beauty of what God is doing in my life. I can definitely acknowledge the damage, the loss, but I don't want to dwell there. I want to glory in what the Lord will do because He is always working for my good.
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